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My One-on-one coaching creates a safe space for collaborative and meaningful dialogue. Together we will identify obstacles that prevent goal attainment, and work with you to develop new thought processes and behaviors, ultimately creating a more compassionate and understanding relationship with yourself and all connected to you.


You bring the agenda and what you want to take away from each session. I offer a safe space and support system that provides you with an accountability partner and safe opportunities to reflect on what actions you can take to enhance your life.


These sessions meet via a zoom call for 50-minutes weekly or bi-weekly depending on your preference and what we are focusing on.

I offer two One-on-One packages. Ten or twenty sessions depending on how much work you would like to do with me. 


**If you have done a Discovery Call with me and want to book a package, email me and we can set up a schedule depending on the package you want to book.

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